More Discomfort

30 second drawing: 24 of 52 Discomfort
30 second drawing: 24 of 52 Discomfort

Second Week in February

We are tired. We are frustrated. We are unsure. We want things to be much easier than they are. We just want our discomfort to end. Could we ever be completely comfortable? A koan for the ages.

A pertinent question with an answer is, could we ever be ignorant of our discomfort? The answer to that question is: yes, for a time. We flee from discomfort. We use distraction and numbing to help us get through real, perceived, and potential discomfort. We seek comfort almost constantly. Medication, sweatpants, and even the slight bodily shifts we do, are all part of the way we try to overcome discomfort.

For as long as we live, we will be uncomfortable in some way. This is a fact. Let’s integrate discomfort into our lives for the betterment of the world around us and ourselves. We already do this in many ways. We trust, exercise, find humor, learn, meditate, and volunteer. We show up when we would rather not. Let’s do more of that.

The only way to live is to get comfortable with discomfort.